Casseruole con Pasta, Ripieno di Tacchino, Pomodori e Mortadella

(Casserole of Pasta, Turkey Stuffing, Tomatoes and Mortadella)


1/2 Lb. Pasta: Rigatoni or any short pasta
3 Cups Turkey Stuffing [Click Here for the Recipe]
4 Slices Mortadella, cut in half, then into 1/2 inch ribbons
1/4 Cup Pine nuts
1 14 Oz. Tomatoes - chopped and unseasoned
1/4 Lb. Montasio cheese: grated on the medium holes of a cheese grater
1/4 Cup Parsley, Italian flat
1/4 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Cup Chicken  or turkey stock


Cook the pasta to a very al dente stage in at least 6 quarts  of water.   Drain and mix with 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil.  Set aside.

Mix the turkey stuffing, the mortadella,  pine nuts, tomatoes,  cheese and parsley, then add the remaining olive oil and stock.  Add the pasta and mix again.

Oil a 2 quart round casserole and put  the pasta and turkey mix in the casserole.   Sprinkle a bit more cheese on the top if desired.  Cover and bake in a 350° oven for 45 minutes.  At the end of this time, turn on the broiler and cook the pasta there until the top has browned.  This usually takes about 2-3 minutes.  Serve hot.

NOTE: If Montasio is not available, any soft cheese, either bovine or goat, will do just fine.

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Last updated on:02/05/04 07:32:27 PM